Sunday, June 8, 2014

Spring for Java EE Developers

Spring has been around for a long time now, and has had a significant impact on the newer Java EE standards such as JSF, CDI, and EJB3.   In some ways, Spring could be considered a 'legacy' at this point, but since it's out there it is good to know the basics in case you find yourself working with a Spring-based system (like I have).

I'll post more as I learn, but here are my initial thoughts...

1.  Transitioning to Spring - It's not that bad

In addition to influencing the newer Java EE standards, Spring itself has been influenced by the newer standards.   I'm sure there are some people who will want to argue about which came first, etc.  This is not interesting, IMO.   Both communities benefit from the influences.
  • Annotation-based configuration - Spring no longer requires all components to be defined in a separate XML file (which is considered 'old school' at this point, although IDEs make this much easier to deal with).
    • You can actually use a combination of XML config and annotations in a manner very similar to Seam 2 and CDI.
    • You can also do "Java based" configuration like Guice or Pico.   I'm not really that keen on this approach, but it could come in handy in certain cases.
    • You still need a main configuration XML file, but that's no big deal.   In CDI you need META-INF/beans.xml and Seam you need components.xml.   The main difference is that you can configure the scanning, which could be useful.
  • Supports JSR 330 @Inject and JSR-250 lifecycle annotations - If you are already familiar with CDI and EJB3, this can make the transition easier.   The Spring-specific annotations offer some additional control (the standard annotations have limitations), but these can really help ease the transition.
  • No need for a separate POJO DI mechanism - One issue that I did experience with EJB3 / CDI is that I found I needed a POJO level underneath the EJBs to share very basic services.   I used Guice for this, as at the time Guice was very small and light.   With Spring, you can use it as your POJO DI framework too, although it's significantly slower (instantiation time) and heavier (bigger jar files) than some others.   In any case, you can use it if you have POJO Java processes that are not part of your application server cluster.   'One Kind Of Stuff' and all that.
  • JSF Integration - Spring Web Flow can be configured to integrate the Spring contexts with JSF EL, similar to Seam and CDI.
  • Spring Web Flow ~= Conversation - Having a 'sub-session' concept to allow the developer to retain state between pages is essential nowdays.   A "flow" is fairly similar to a "conversation" in Seam and CDI.  There are some significant differences in how a 'flow' is controlled, but the overall concept is the same.
  • LOTS of boilerplate-code-eliminating features! - This is something that Seam2 had a bit of, but Spring has taken this much further:
    • Spring Data - Define interfaces for DAOs, and Spring Data writes all the boilerplate JPA code.
    • Defining a DAO service that provides a RESTful JSON interface can be done with hardly any code at all.
    • Spring Roo - Generate baseline code and add components easily.   Like the 'forge' stuff in JBoss.   Not sure how useful this really is with an existing project, but it could be a quick way to get the skeleton code in there. 

2. The Bad News

NOTE: This is not an anti-Spring rant.   I'm just pointing out a few facts.
  •  Spring is big - It is no longer the case that Spring is 'lighter' than Java EE - Both systems are highly modular, and very comprehensive.   There are so many Spring add-ons now, expect to spend time wading through them.  At this point, it might as well be an application server.

    On the other hand, it is well documented and very modular, so that mitigates things.
  • Spring is not a standard, it's an implementation - This is perhaps the biggest problem I have with Spring.   It is like an alternate universe where there is only one implementation of the standard, and no independent community defining the standards.   Sure JSRs and all that have their disadvantages, but Spring does have a considerable 'vendor lock in' problem (although it is OSS, so it's partially mitigated).  Sometimes it can be good to know you can pick a different vendor without re-writing the whole thing.

    On the other hand, if you use Spring, you have a "container within the container", so the idea of porting is that you would port your inner container as well.
  • Spring AoP is more complex than EJB3 and CDI - Also a big pet peeve of mine.  It's relatively easy to make interceptors in Seam, EJB3, and CDI.   Granted, Spring AoP is much more powerful, but it's also got a lot of things that seem (to me) like they wouldn't get a lot of use.   In my experience, this kind of complexity results in two problems:
    1. Longer learning curve - Developers take more time to get familiar with the techinque.
    2. A whole new kind of spaghetti code - This often happens when a developer gets through the learning curve and then proceeds to use AoP as a "golden hammer".

    On the other hand, if you really need to do fancy stuff with AoP, (um... do you really need that?), it's there if you want it.   AoP can really be great when used wisely.
  • Lots of references to JSP in the documentation - JSP is now deprecated.   It's a huge step backward from JSF 1.2 & Facelets or JSF2.

3. Things I'm Still Figuring Out

  • Transaction / Hibernate Session management - In an older version of Spring, there were some really serious problems with Hibernate Session management and JTA.   Maybe this is no longer relevant, but I do remember looking at the Spring session management code and thinking "ugh! How did this every work?" (sorry guys).   This is probably addressed, but I do want to know if the 'extended persistence context' concept exists with Spring and/or Spring Web Flow.  This is very important to making simple, transactionally sound, high performance web apps!  
  • JSF Integration - I'm wondering just how deep this is.

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