Friday, June 20, 2014

Migrating from Maven to Gradle

I thought I'd share some of my experiences with migrating from Maven to Gradle for a small Java open source project.

The Strategy

First, what's the best way to do this?   The project is a fairly straightforward Java project without complex Maven pom.xml files, so maybe the best way forward is to just create a Gradle build along side the Maven one.

Some advantages over Maven

 Here are some of the advantages I found when using Gradle:
  • The 'java' plugin does almost all the work.   It defines something equivalent to the Maven lifecycle in terms of compilation, testing, and packaging.
  • Much smaller configuration.  No more verbose pom.xml files!
  • A multi-module project can be configured from the top-level build.gradle file.
  • Dependency specifications are more terse and also more readable.
  • It's much straightforward to get Gradle to use libraries that are not in the Maven repositories, e.g. in version control.   (However, I do believe that it's best to make a private repository with Artifactory or Nexus and install the libraries there, rather than keeping them in version control).
  • Dependencies between sub-modules is also very easy.
  • The whole parent/aggregator/dep-management thing in Maven is a bit clunky.   Gradle makes this much easier.  You can even do a multi-module build with a single Gradle build file if you want.

 First Attempt

Here are the steps I took.
  • Using IDEA, create a new Gradle project where the existing sources are.  Set the location of the Gradle installation.   You should see the Gradle tab on the right side panel.
  •  Create a build.gradle file and a settings.gradle file in the project root directory.
  • The basic multi-module structure can be the same as a Maven multi-module build:
    • A 'main' build.gradle file in the root directory.   Along with a settings.gradle file that has the overall settings.
    • Sub-directories for each module.
    • Each module directory has it's own build.gradle file.
    • NOTE: If the module dependencies are defined correctly, building a module will also build the other dependent modules when you are in the module sub-directory!   Major win over Maven here, IMO.
  • Apply the plugins for a Java project, set the group and version, add repositories.  In this case I have a multi-module project so I'm putting all of that in the allprojects closure:

    allprojects {
      apply plugin: 'java'
      group = 'org.jegrid'
      version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
      repositories {
        maven {
          url ''
        flatDir {
          dirs "$rootDir/lib" // If we use just 'lib', the dir will be relative.

    I also have some libraries in the lib directory at the top level because they are not in the global Maven repos, or in the JBoss repo. The flatDir closure will allow Gradle to look in this directory to resolve dependencies. 
  • Add dependencies.   For a multi-module build this is done inside each project closure.   Use the 'compileJava' task to make sure they are right.
In the end, this project didn't really work with Gradle because the dependencies are too old.   So, I will need to rebuild the project from the ground up anyway.   Some of the basic libraries have undergone many significant changes since the project started, so it's time to upgrade!

Basic Gradle Multi-Module Java Project Structure

Okay, so in creating a brand new project, the canonical structure is much like a Maven project.

  • In the root directory (an 'aggregator' project) there is a main build.gradle file and a settings.gradle file.   This is roughly equivalent to the root pom.xml file.
  • In each sub-project directory (module) there is a build.gradle file.   This is roughly equivalent to the module pom.xml files.
  • The settings.gradle file has an include for each sub-project.   This is roughly equivalent to the '<modules>' section of the root pom.xml file.
  • An allprojects closure in the root build.gradle file can contain dependencies to be used for all modules.   This is similar to a 'parent pom.xml' (but much easier to read!).
One thing I wanted to do right away is to create the source directories in a brand new module.  This is pretty darn easy with Gradle.   Just add a new task that iterates through the source sets and creates the directories:

  task createSourceDirectories << {
    sourceSets.all { set -> set.allSource.srcDirs.each { 
      println "creating $it ... "

I added this in the alllprojects closure, and boom! - I have the task for all of the modules.  Neato!   I can now run this on each sub-project as needed.

Porting The Code

One I had the directory layout and basic project files I can begin moving in some of the code.    I started with the basic utility code for the project and the unit tests.   Like I mentioned, this was using a very old version of JUnit, so I needed to upgrade the tests.

Diversion One - Upgrading to JUnit 4.x

Upgrading to JUnit 4.x is actually pretty easy.   For the most part it retains backwards compatibility.   There are a few reasons you might want to upgrade the tests.
  • I prefer annotations over extending TestCase.   This is a pretty simple transform:
    1. Remove 'extends TestCase'
    2. Remove the constructor that calls super.
    3. Remove the import for TestCase
    4. Add 'import static org.junit.Assert.*'
    5. Add @Test to each test method.
  • (already mentioned) Take advantage of 'import static'! import static org.junit.Assert.*
  • Expected exceptions:
  • @BeforeClass and @AfterClass annotations to replace setUp() and tearDown().

Diversion Two - Using Guice or Dagger instead of PicoContainer?

I really enjoy using DI containers.  It takes so much of the boilerplate 'factory pattern' code out of the project and makes for easy de-coupling and configuring of components.   In the previous version of the project I had used PicoContainer.   

  • Pico - Pro: Good lifecycle support.   Really small JAR file.   Con: Not as type safe.  Project seems to have stalled.
  • Guice - Pro: Not as small as Pico, but still very small.   More type safe.  Large community.  Con: Bigger jar than Pico (but not too bad... without AOP its smaller).  No real lifecycle support.
  • Dagger - Pro: Really small, with a compiler! Con: Gradle doesn't have a built in plugin for running the dagger compiler (well, as far as I can tell).
I think I'll give Dagger a try as it will cause me to learn how to make a Gradle plugin.   Even if I don't succeed, I'll learn more about how Gradle works.

See also:

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