But what if you want to create a specialized Spring Boot app, just for testing? Well, you can!
For example, in src/test/org/example/test/app/TestServer.kt we can make an app class (btw, this is Kotlin, just so you know):
package org.example.test.app
...imports blah...
@SpringBootApplication() @Import(SomeConfig::class) class TestGraphQLClientApp { /** * Defines the main resolvers: Query and Mutation. */ @Bean fun resolvers(query: GraphQLQueryResolver) = listOf(query) }
- This is a GraphQL server, and I'm going to test a simple GraphQL client with it. There are more components behind the scenes.
- I'm putting it in the app sub-package to avoid loading any component in the main app or anywhere else unintentionally. Remember that a Spring Boot app class implies a 'component scan' of the package it lives in, and all sub-packages!
- SomeConfig is imported, and this brings in whatever components from the main code or elsewhere.
- Specialized test components can be defined in packages or sub-packages.
We can make a test like this:
package org.example.test ... imports blah ... @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner::class) @SpringBootTest(classes = [TestGraphQLClientApp::class, HttpClientConfiguration::class], webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT) class GraphQLClientTest { companion object : KLogging() @LocalServerPort private val port: Int = 0 @Autowired private lateinit var factory: RestTemplateFactory // These have to be 'by lazy' because Spring will inject the fields they rely on after init. private val template by lazy { factory.createRestTemplate() } private val baseUrl by lazy { "http://localhost:$port/graphql" } private val client by lazy { GraphQLClient(baseUrl, template) } @Test fun basicClientTest() { client.query("query { foo }").also { value -> logger.info { prettyPrint(value) } assertEquals("foo", assertHasField(value, "data", "foo").asText()) } client.query("query { getThing(id: \"12345-ABC\") { one two } }").also { logger.info { prettyPrint(it) } } } }
- Note that the default 'properties' will be loaded from application.properties or application.yml. If we want to override this, we should probably make a profile and use it from the test.
So what's the problem? The problem is that, in this particular context I have JPA and a few other Spring Boot 'starter' dependencies. So, when the test class starts the Spring Boot app, it launches:
- A JDBC Data Source
- Liquibase (my preferred data migration tool)
- JPA and Hibernate
Those are all great tools, and it's super convenient to have all these 'auto starters' but they are not needed in this particular test. How to turn them off and "slim" down my application? There are two approaches:
- Create a profile, and disable some things in that profile - This works for the autostart modules that support it, but not all of them do.
- Use 'exclude' in SpringBootApplication to disable the autostart modules.
Using exclude is easy, and since it prevents Spring from loading the autostart modules in the first place, it can reduce startup time. So for a simple web app, we can disable all the database modules:
@SpringBootApplication(exclude = [ LiquibaseAutoConfiguration::class, DataSourceAutoConfiguration::class, DataSourceTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration::class, HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration::class])
That's all we need to do! Now the test app starts up in about 9 seconds.
See also:
- Using the @SpringBootApplication Annotation
- SpringBootApplication annotation
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/49276219/266167
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