Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thought I bricked my Fedora 19 workstation today

So I was updating the kernel on my Fedora 19 workstation today.   Everything seemed to be going fine.   I ran FedoraUtils, and I saw a shiny button that said "Install ATI video driver", and I thought "Hey, I have an ATI video card." must... click... shiny... button!

I did that, rebooted.   Gnome tries to start and I get an "Oh no something went wrong" error screen with a "logout" button on it.  :-/

Eventually I followed these instructions and I was able to get my desktop back to normal:


I found this here:  https://ask.fedoraproject.org/question/35500/proprietary-amd-catalyst-drivers-with-radeon-hd-74708470-on-fedora-19/